These are the list of the top trending words and articles that are being bandied about with consummate ease (almost every English daily or news channel regardless of national affiliation), in the wake of Corona virus (COVID-19) global pandemic.
Incidentally, the word "trending" describes an event that begins to deviate from the normal.
1. Pandemic
2. Epidemiology
3. Chinese wet market
4. Morbidity
5. Comorbidity
6. Home schooling
7. Virus's (singular possessive form of virus)
History: Coronavirus
June Almeida, in 1964, was the first to discover and identify corona virus (or coronavirus) as most would prefer online or on print media. She developed microscopic identification techniques that enabled her and her fellow scientists at the Ontario Cancer Institute, Ontario, Canada to use electron microscopes which helped detect corona viruses. She and her fellow scientists saw how "viral spike peplomers emanating from each proteinaceous envelope" formed a corona (or halo) around each virion, June Almeida was born June Hart. She had no formal education. She was the daughter of a bus driver in Glasgow Scotland. After marrying Enriques Almeida, a Venezuelan artist, the couple emigrated to Canada.
Incidentally, the word "trending" describes an event that begins to deviate from the normal.
1. Pandemic
2. Epidemiology
3. Chinese wet market
4. Morbidity
5. Comorbidity
6. Home schooling
7. Virus's (singular possessive form of virus)
History: Coronavirus
June Almeida, in 1964, was the first to discover and identify corona virus (or coronavirus) as most would prefer online or on print media. She developed microscopic identification techniques that enabled her and her fellow scientists at the Ontario Cancer Institute, Ontario, Canada to use electron microscopes which helped detect corona viruses. She and her fellow scientists saw how "viral spike peplomers emanating from each proteinaceous envelope" formed a corona (or halo) around each virion, June Almeida was born June Hart. She had no formal education. She was the daughter of a bus driver in Glasgow Scotland. After marrying Enriques Almeida, a Venezuelan artist, the couple emigrated to Canada.